Encuentro de jóvenes teósofos en Brasilia.
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The first memory of International Gathering Of Young Theosophists that I have is a smile: the lively and lovely smile of people who greeted me when I arrived at Brasilia airport. The last memory are tear drops: tears coming from deep feelings of the last day; tears of intense joy because we were being deeply a “Brotherhood” in no uncertain terms, without barriers and without any condition; tears which didn’t mean “farewell”, instead “we are here, together and forever”, because time, distance and separation didn’t exist anymore in that moment of profound sharing. In the middle, between the first and the last memory, there are a week of shattering energy, a week of hope, vitality; a week in which we were feeling a deep need to tell to the world: “Theosophy is a living vigor, Theosophy is the immortal fire which lives from and to eternity; Theosophy is the pulsating fervor inside us and that fervor is destined to embrace the human soul with the same lightness of a lotus blossom and with the same strength of wind and waterfalls.
Imagine a group of young people coming from South America and Europe, a group of different culture, languages, lifestyle, ages. Try to figure out them while they are seating in a circle, around one Mandala made of a basket of colors and white papers on which everybody could paint something.
Imagine them while they are discussing with passion about freedom of thoughts, interdependence and hunger of knowledge. Imagine them talking in one common language; imagine them while they are sharing proposals and ideas for create finally a real core of Universal Brotherhood in which every difference, every individual peculiarity is an instrument playing its own kind of music in complete and genuine harmony with others. Now, imagine them admiring sunrise and sunset, together and in silence, because, when souls are singing, words are not necessary. Imagine them while they venture in woods, mountains and waterfalls; while they sing, they laugh, they cry, they eat, they work, they sleep, together. Imagine them while they are seated in meditation, singing a mantra, experimenting the sacredness of present moment.
Imagine these young persons while they are leaving with impressive emotions and while they prepare their comeback, ready to spread their enthusiasm for searching truth, with no dogma in mind, but with a mind full of grace related to the consciousness to be a part of the Only One, the Eternal, Infinite and Immutable Reality.
Well, now think that it is really happened, in days from 5th to 10th February, in a place in the middle of nature near Brasilia, in a paradise on earth called “Paraiso Na Terra”.
Most of all, be aware that it is possible! Have this consciousness: this is possible in your country, in your city and in your theosophical circle. Tell that to your family, to your friends and to your colleagues.
Segue para todos o relato lindo feito pela Patrizia, que veio da Itália participar desses incríveis dias que vivemos: «…
Posted by Encontro Teosófico de Jovens no Carnaval on domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016