About Us
The Theosophical Worldview
Central to the concerns of Theosophy is the desire to promote understanding and unity among people of all races, nationalities, religions and philosophies.
Book of the Month
H. P. Blavatsky: Collected Writings
Theosophy Wiki
The Secret Doctrine
The Secret Doctrine by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky lays the foundation of modern Theosophy. It is «one of the monuments of modern esotericism.»
President’s Blog June 2016
Adyar update; Olcott Memorial High School garden; The kids at Social Welfare; Adyar staff get together; Friends of the TS Adyar
Summer National Convention
Our 130th National Convention «Inspiration, Influence, Implications: The Legacy of H. P. Blavatsky» recently concluded, and it was a wonderful success full of community-building, shared wisdom, and a spectacular series of public lectures by our highly esteemed speakers.
Browse our selection of online classes and groups that you can participate in from the comfort of your own home!
Dreams and the Spiritual Path
An Online Adventure
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. CT
September 14 – November 2 (8 classes)
Do you spend time daily in meditation and/or dreaming? Do you make note of the messages that come to you through your dream world? Are you aware of the multiverses that you visit in the «no time, all time» connection to the dream world, your spiritual connection to higher sources, guides, God and all that is; your connection to humanity? This class will explore these questions and the dream world of the individual as we learn to connect to our «higher soul bodies.» Enjoy the journey into your own dreams!
Mahatma Letters Reading and Discussion Group
A Modern Walk Down an Ancient Path
Mondays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. CT
Ongoing group begins September 19
From 1880 to 1885, H. P. Blavatsky’s teachers, Mahatmas Koot Hoomi and Morya, engaged in an extraordinary body of correspondence with two influential British men living and working in India.
Join this online discussion group to explore the content of these letters and further your understanding of this important Theosophical text with the help of experienced students.
With Pablo Sender, Fiona Odgren, and Sy Ginsburg
A Day of Mindfulness
Exploring Original Buddhist Meditation Practices
Saturday, August 13, 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
The original Buddhist texts offer a variety of meditation practices that can be used to cultivate wholesome states of mind. Using the teachings found in those texts, we will explore practices that are conducive to both calm and insight, including mindful breathing, basic realities of our bodies, contemplating change and uncertainty, and recollection of our own deva qualities.With Santikaro
Our Pristine Mind
A Tibetan Guide to Unconditional Happiness
Saturday, August 20, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Tibetan Buddhist master Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche shows us how operating with a Pristine Mind is a way of living that is a thousand times more effective than operating with an ordinary mind, filling our lives with gratitude, love, and compassion. Through Pristine Mind meditation we can go beyond mindfulness and journey deep into ultimate happiness.
With Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche
International Theosophy Conferences, Inc.
Theosophy and Social Responsibility
Applying the Head and Heart Teachings
of H. P. Blavatsky
August 11-14, 2016
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
This forthcoming conference will certainly be as energetic and inspiring as the previous ones. According to the wish as expressed by participants during the 2015 meeting in The Hague, this time the focus is on studying together. It’ll be made possible for those who come to Santa Barbara to sign up in advance for a specific study circle, indicating what topic has their main interest.
TheosoFEST – Save the Date!
Mark your calendar for this year’s TheosoFEST celebration on September 10. TheosoFEST is an annual outdoor mind body spirit festival at our Wheaton campus featuring free talks and meditations, holistic vendors, intuitive readings, tasty vegetarian food, healings, kids’ activities and more!
So That Others Might Know
For over 130 years The Theosophical Society in America has been actively promoting our Three Objects, creating the foundation for a brotherhood with no distinction, a deep respect and interest for all religions and the quest for self-knowledge. Donating to the Annual Fund or Capital Campaign will maintain the National Center and the programs which actively explore the many facets of our mission.