Tuesday 15 November at 7.00 pm
Unveiling the bust
To commemorate the birth of former President, Mrs Radha Burnier,
on 15 November 1923, there will be an unveiling of her bust
by President Tim BoydThis will be followed by the screening of two videos
presented by the Great Banyan Audiovisual Centre:
“Remembering Radha Burnier”
A short Interview of Radhaji by Rajiv Mehrotra
(Doordarshan Presentation)
A Documentary Video on
“Enlightened Soul: The Three Names of Uma Devi»
In this documentary we see Tim Boyd speaking on a couple of occasions.
Uma Devi (1888 –1971) hails from a Polish family, but practised Christianity, Hinduism, and Budhism. She was a writer, translator, philosopher and a very good friend of Annie Besant, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, and the Dalai Lama.
(This is a very interesting documentary)