About Us
A Brief History
The Theosophical Society was founded in late 1875 in New York City by Russian noblewoman Helena Petrovna Blavatskyand American Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, along with attorney William Quan Judge and a number of other individuals interested in the philosophy expounded by Madame Blavatsky.
Book of the Month
Soul of Light: Works of Illumination by Joma Sipe
was a Russian pianist and composer who was much influenced by Theosophy and by the Symbolist movement in the visual arts.
President’s Blog November 2016
Visit to Delhi to speak at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations; Children’s Choir – 300 kids at Adyar; Foundation Day with US Chief Consul; School of the Wisdom opens; Renovations at Adyar
Join us in Wheaton for these special FREE events!
Celebrate the Season!
Friday, December 16, 7:00 p.m.
Celebrate and welcome in the season with kindred spirits by sharing stories, ceremonies, songs, or poems from your faith tradition, family customs, or cultural heritage followed by drumming! Please bring vegetarian, non-alcoholic holiday goodies to share as we close the evening in the festive holiday ambiance of Nicholson Hall!
Paula Finnegan will facilitate this seasonal celebration with everyone’s participation.
Meditation for World Peace
Saturday, December 31, 6 – 7 a.m.
This yearly event coincides with group meditations around the globe. Using the concentrated power of thought to generate energy for peace, we meet to help heal the sense of separation among human beings and to release light, love, and spiritual energy. Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to participate by reading a quote or bringing refreshments for community afterwards, please contact Kimisu at ksmcdot@gmail.com.
The Quest Books holiday sale is on!
Browse our selection of online classes and groups that you can participate in from the comfort of your own home!
Introduction to Feng Shui
The Ancient Art of Placement
Tuesdays, 7 – 8 p.m. CT
Jan 3 – Jan 24 (4 classes)
Larn Fen Shui history, how the various forms of Feng Shui evolved, and how and why your land and your building have an influence upon your life. You’ll be introduced to the Five Elements, what they symbolize, and why we need to understand them for Feng Shui.
with Carol Cannon
Finding the Key in the Ageless Wisdom Tradition
Mondays, 7 – 8 p.m. CT
Jan 9 – Feb 6 (5 classes)
In the Ageless Wisdom tradition, there are allusions to a key that leads to wisdom and freedom from human suffering. This webinar will point us toward the secret gateway that opens inwardly to the inner self. It will help us discover our own soul and distinguish it from the transitory aspects of our nature.
The Secret Doctrine Part II
The Formation of the Cosmos
Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
or 7 – 8:30 p.m. CT*
Feb 7 – Mar 14 (6 classes)
In this second series of 6 webinars, Pablo Sender will examine Stanzas IV, V, and VI from the «Stanzas of Dyzan,» which describe the formation of our world through the guidance of a hierarchy of the «celestial architects.»
*The webinar will be broadcast live at the two times shown above.
Enjoy our programs in person or at home via interactive livestream!
The Spirit of Place
December 15, 7 p.m.
With Ray Grasse
Spiritual traditions around the world have long spoken of the distinctive character and subtle energies unique to each environment. What exactly is «the spirit of place,» and how does it impact our lives and psyches? In turn, how do our actions, thoughts, and structures modify the energies of place?
Karmic Lessons and the Ascending Sign
January 5, 7 p.m.
With Dave Gunning
There is much to be gained from understanding your ascending sign, which is based on the month, day, and time of birth. Discover how the evolution of these signs reflects our spiritual evolution and learn about the qualities and virtues of each sign.
Mindful Parenting
A Foundation for Healthy Family Relations
January 12, 7 p.m.
With Shantal Alonso
In order to teach our children how to navigate life’s challenges with mindfulness, equanimity and wisdom, we must first cultivate these traits within ourselves. We will explore some fundamentals of brain science to see how the practice of mindfulness helps re-wire our habitual responses and break unhealthy patterns.
Mindfulness for the Whole Family
Reducing Stress and Increasing Happiness
Saturday, January 14, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
This experiential workshop will teach your family new ways to access its inner resources of calm when intense emotions and common frustrations arise. Come and learn a common language that the whole family can practice together to introduce more peace, clarity, joy, and compassion into your daily lives. Find out how mindfulness helps with your relationships, communication, concentration, and your overall well-being.
With Shantal Alonso
A Guided Gong Meditation
Friday, January 20, 7 p.m.
Immerse yourself in a healing and transformational gong meditation with Marian and Gabriela Kraus. The couple’s sound therapy work features a guided visualization, followed by an hour-long sound immersion with three large gongs. The experience is a psycho-acoustic gateway to raise an individuals’ vibratory frequency, reach higher states of awareness and recognize endless possibilities within.
With Marian Kraus and Gabriela Kraus