The 12th of August is the
189th anniversary of H.P.B.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s birthday celebration by the Theosophical Society in Ukraine
This year the online conference ‘Bringing the Light’ is devoted to the 189th anniversary of HPB’s birthday. She was born in Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav) a city in Ukraine, where her birthday, on the 12th of August, is called «The Day of the Herald of Light«.
Date and link to the zoom event
The languages are Ukrainian, English and Russian. Those who require a translation into English can register and receive relevant instructions per email:
12th of August, 18.00-21.00, Kyiv time (GMT+3) Timezones: 8.30 pm India, 11 pm Philippines, 5 pm Spain, 4 pm England, noon Argentina/Brazil, 10 am Chicago/Wheaton, 8 am California, 1 am Australia, 3 am New Zealand
The link to join the ZOOM conference, click here
ID: 559 770 8530
Password: 461979
Entrance will start at 17.45, Kyiv time (GMT+3).
For listening to the translations you need to connect to Skype, and join Skype group.
It is advisable to use the two different gadgets for those two connections, Zoom and Skype.
The event consist of 3 parts
1st part
Introductory word of the General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine Mrs. Svitlana Gavrilenko followed by 2 lectures in English with translation into Russian.
International lectures: «Keep the Link Unbroken! – the last words of H.P.B.» – Dr C. A. Shinde, International lecturer, Director of Adyar Library and Research Center, India. «Helena Blavatsky on the Scale of Consciousness» – Dr Pablo Sender, TS International lecturer, Institute of Theosophy, Krotona, USA.
These lectures will be in English and you will be able to listen to, and watch them using Zoom.
2nd part
Ukrainian lectures: “The Voice of the Silence – Way Actually» – R. Kalashnikova (President of the Laya branch, National lecturer, Kropyvnytsky. A short video about the Museum Center of HPB and her family, Dnipro (in English) «Why I decided to join the Theosophical Society» – Volodymyr Dryomov, Kyiv. “Pages from HPB’s life», from unpublished remembrances of her sister, Vera Zhelihovsky – Valentina Mishyna, Dnipro. “Helena Blavatsky: A look at the Mahatmas of the East” – V. Scherbina, Group Ankh, Kyiv.
3rd part
Round Table “The relevance of H.P. Blavatsky’s legacy in the modern world”. Participants – members of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine.
Host of the discussions – Svitlana Gavrilenko, General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine.
Tim Boyd – An Experiment in Openness: The Life and Work of Bill Lawrence
As presented on November 10, 2007
If you think you have an hour available for some diversion and true stories, check out this video by clicking the picture
The mission of The Theosophical Society is:
To serve humanity by cultivating
an ever-deepening understanding and realization of
the Ageless Wisdom,
spiritual self-transformation,
and the unity of all life.
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