- Este evento ha pasado.
21 agosto, 2017 - 26 agosto, 2017
LIVE- STREAMING: http://bit.ly/38thEuropeanCongress
PHOTOS: http://events.r3d.photos/sets/38-eu-congress/
Large video: https://youtu.be/6rPirgZ3Rn8
Short Video: https://youtu.be/_4SRr6evX2k
Guest of Honour:
- Mrs. Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu, Chairman of the European Federation former General Secretary of the TS France.
- Mr. Fernando Alvarez de Torrijos, lecturer of the TS in America. Director of the Mindfullness Program in the ‘ Psychiatry Department, Massachussets Universtty.
- Mrs. Jenny Baker, National President, TS England .
- Mr. Jose Tarragó, former General Secretary, TS Spam.
- Mr. Herman Vermeulen, President of the Stichting I.S.I.S. Blavatsky House, Netherlands.
- Mrs. Angels Torra Burón, General Secretary, TS Spain.
- Mr. Antonio Girardi, General Secretary, TS Italy.
- Mrs. Sabine Van Osta, General Secretary, TS Belgium.
- Mrs. Marja Artamaa, International Secretary and former General Secretary of the TS Finland.
- Mrs. Nilda Venegas, Psychiatrist, former General Secretary TS Cuba, MTS Spain. .
- Mrs. Carmen Cesar, former General Secretary, TS Spain.
- Mrs. Patrizia M. Calvi, Secretary, TS Italy.
- Mrs. Els Rijneker, former General Secretary, TS Netherlands.
- Mrs. Irena P. Kristan, former Organising Secretary, TS Slovenia.
- Mrs. Ana Maria de Sousa, General Secretary, TS Portugal.
- Mrs. Clarisa E16segui, former General Secretary, TS Spain.
- Mrs. Nancy Secrest, International Secretary of the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS), USA.
- Mrs. Krista Umbjarv, Secretary of the European Federation.
Monday 21st
Reception & registration: From 09:00 to 12:30 & from 15:00 to 19:30
13:00-14:10 Lunch, 1st. sitting**
14:20-15:30 Lunch, 2nd sitting**
20:00-21: 10 Dinner, 1st. sitting*
21:20-22:30 Dinner, 2nd sitting*
Tuesday 22nd
07:00-09:15 Breakfast*
10:00-11 :00 OPENING
Greetings from Sections
11:00-11:30 Tea-Coffee break
International President Mr. Tim Boyd
13:00-14:10 Lunch, 1st. sitting**
14:20-15:30 Lunch, 2nd sitting**
16:00-17:00 SHORT LECTURES
a) Mr. Antonio Girardi
b) Mrs. Angels Torra Bur6n
18:00 GETTING TOGETHER-Spiritual Music. Mrs. Jaishree Kannan
20:00-21: 10 Dinner, 1st. sitting*
21:20-22:30 Dinner, 2nd sitting*
Wednesday 23th
07:00-09:15 Breakfast*
10:00-11:00 TUNING IN, LECTURE: Mrs. Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
11:00-11:30 Tea-Coffee break
11:30-12:30 LECTURE Mrs. Jenny Baker
13:00-14:10 Lunch, 1st. sitting**
14:20-15:30 Lunch, 2nd sitting**
16:00-17:00 SYMPOSIUM
a) Mrs. Carmen Cesar
b) Mrs. Clarisa El6segui
c) Mrs. Nilda Venegas
18:00-19:00 TOS- Mrs. Nancy Secrest
20:00-21: 10 Dinner, 1st. sitting*
21:20-22:30 Dinner, 2nd sitting*
Thursday 24th
07:00-09:15 Breakfast*
10:00-11:00 TUNING IN,
LECTURE: Mr. Herman Vermeulen
11:00-11:30 Tea-Coffee break
11:30-12:30 SHORT LECTURES
a) Mrs. Els Rijneker
b) Mrs. Ana Maria de Sousa
13:00-14:10 Lunch, 1st. sitting**
14:20-15:30 Lunch, 2nd sitting**
16:00-17:00 TUNING IN,
LECTURE: Mr. Fernando Alvarez de Torrijos
20:00-21: 10 Dinner, 1st. sitting*
21:20-22:30 Dinner, 2nd sitting*
Friday 25th
07:00-09:15 Breakfast*
10:00-11:00 TUNING IN,
LECTURE: Mr. Jose Tarrag6
11:00-11:30 Tea-Coffee break
11:30-12:30 SHORT LECTURES
a) Mrs. Marja Artamaa
b) Mrs. Sabine Van Osta
13:00-14:10 Lunch, 1st. sitting**
14:20-15:30 Lunch, 2nd sitting**
16:00-17:00 SYMPOSIUM
a) Mrs. Irena P. Kristan
b) Mrs. Krista Umbjarv
c) Mrs. Patrizia M. Calvi
20:00-21: 10 Dinner, 1st. sitting*
21:20-22:30 Dinner, 2nd sitting*
Saturday 26th
08:00-09:30 Breakfast*
11:00 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – Tim Boyd Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
12:00 PASSING THE BANNER to the next hosting section
13:00 Lunch (optional) should be specifically ordered on the registration form.
*Only residents
**Residents and non residents with option for lunch